Using the Sequencer

Accessing the Sequencer

  1. Open and connect the FilterWheel control software.

  1. Under the File Menu select Sequencer

  2. The Sequencer window will Open

  1. The Add button will add the selected command to the sequence

  2. The Clear button will clear the sequence

  3. The Remove button will remove the last added command

  4. The Continue button will continue the sequence after reaching a Pause

  5. The Start button will begin the sequence

Available Commands

  1. None - A no-op

  2. Delay - Delays for the set number of milliseconds

  3. Pause - Pauses the program until Continue is pressed

  4. GoTo - Sends the Wheel to the specified filters

  5. Repeat - Repeats the above line the specified times

Sample program

Here is a sample Sequencer program:


Line by line this will:

  1. Send the wheel to position 3

  2. Delay for 1 second (1000 milliseconds)

  3. Send the wheel to position 4

  4. Delay for 1 second (1000 milliseconds)

  5. Repeat this sequence 3 times

  6. Pause until Continue is pressed

  7. Send the wheel to position 4

As the program executes the color of the finished lines will change. Pause will light up red when waiting for input.
